Piles Treatment


Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum.

Piles may result from straining during bowel movements or from the increased pressure on these veins due to other causes. Piles may be located inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids), or they may develop under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids). Piles are common ailments. About half of adults, by age 50, have had to deal with the itching, discomfort and bleeding that can signal the presence of piles.

Symptoms include

Painless bleeding during bowel movements Itching or irritation in anal region Pain or discomfort Swelling around the anus A lump near anus, which may be painful

Bleeding during bowel movements is the most common sign of piles. But rectal bleeding can occur with other diseases, including colorectal cancer and anal cancer. Consult your gastroenterologist immediately. He/she can do a physical examination and perform other tests to diagnose piles and rule out more serious conditions or diseases like cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. Are you looking for the best hospital in chennai for piles treatment ?. If so, you are at the right place! Laser Haemorrhoidectomy – a post operatively painless procedure for internal piles that helps patients to return to work in few days following the procedure.